Council President
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Upcoming Meetings
Meeting Documents
Council Meeting
All meetings of the Mayor and Council, as required by law, are open to the public with the exception of executive closed sessions. Executive closed sessions may be held for certain types of discussions deemed legally confidential such as discussions relating to actual or threatened litigation, personnel matters, negotiation of contracts and similar items.
Generally Mayor and Council meetings will be of one of two types: Informal Workshop Public Meeting and Formal Public Meeting
Informal Workshop Public Meetings
- At these meetings the Mayor and Council will informally discuss the business of the Community with comments from the public at a stipulated portion of the meeting. The Mayor and Council may lawfully take action at such meetings.
Formal Public Meetings
- These are formal meetings involving hearings on proposed ordinances, announcements, discussions or decisions on major items of business, formal committee reports and similar matters. Formal Meetings are televised.
- The public is invited to address matters of concern to the governing body at stipulated times during these meetings.
- Special Meetings of either type may be scheduled as needed by the governing body. Except for emergencies notice of these meetings will be sent to the official newspaper of the Borough.
- Generally all meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Building, 12 DePiero Drive, and depending on the type of meeting will be held in the executive conference room or council chambers.
Meeting Procedures
- The public is invited to observe and listen in on the discussions held at the formal and informal meetings. At the formal public meeting and informal meetings time will be allotted for members of the public to address the governing body on matters of interest.
Comments on Agenda Items
- The public is invited to speak to the governing body concerning matters listed on the Agenda for that evening's meetings (other than comments for ordinances proposed for adoption which should be commented on during the hearing on each individual ordinance).
Ordinance Hearings
- Before any Ordinance is finally adopted, a public hearing is held at which members of the public are invited to participate with comments on the record as to any particular ordinance.
- Remarks For The Good And Welfare Of The Community/Public Forum
- Time will be allotted at formal public meetings and informal public meetings for members of the public to address the governing body on any matters of concern or interest to them.
Meeting Protocol And Decorum
- It is the goal of the governing body that all matters of interest in our community be debated in a calm and courteous manner. To this end, we ask that the following procedures be adhered to:
- Upon recognition by the Mayor any person seeking to address the governing body shall proceed to the floor and give his or her name and address for the record prior to commencing their remarks.
- In order that all citizens have a reasonable opportunity to speak we request that each person limit their remarks to a five (5) minute duration and one subject matter until all persons have had an opportunity to speak.
- All statements shall be addressed to the Mayor for the public body and not to any individual council member thereof . Only one (1) person shall have the floor at any time.
- Any person making personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks, or who shall otherwise engage in disruptive behavior shall be asked to cease and desist or to leave the Chambers.
- All meetings of the Montvale Mayor and Council are governed by the council by-laws. Copies of the meeting agendas are available to the public for all meetings. Agendas are also posted here on the web site and for public view at Borough Hall during normal business hours.