Environmental Commission Meeting
pdf 05-20-2024 Environmental Commission Agenda (372 KB)
Join Zoom Meeting
+1 929 436 2866 US
Meeting ID: 897 0291 3474
Passcode: 823062
In order to fulfill the requirement of the Open Public Meeting Law (Chapter 231, P.L. 1975); be advised the Environmental Commission of the Borough of Montvale will meet on the follow dates. Meetings are held in Executive Conference Room (or Alternate Conference Room), 2nd floor at the Municipal Complex, 12 Mercedes Drive, Montvale, New Jersey or via remote Zoom meeting. Public meetings begin at 7:45 PM. Please check the borough website, www.montvale.org for any meetings’ schedule changes.
Next series events
The series of events starts on 01.08.2024 and ends on 12.16.2024.